Perhaps you have tried this scenario – you have been crazy about a woman for months, and finally you get her out on a date, take her home and you are now naked in bed together.
But then you come in the moment you penetrate her …
And what happens now?
The thoughts begin to go in circles and you’re desperately thinking how you can save the situation.
Have you ever thought about what it is about premature ejaculation that makes you feel so bad about it?
What is she thinking?Is it over between us?
Does she ever want to see me again?
Does she think I am completely ridiculous?
Will I get another chance with her?
But most of all you just feel really bad.
Bad as in REALLY bad with yourself.
But have you ever thought about what it is about premature ejaculation that makes you feel so bad about it?
In its essence its because there is a deep connection between how you manage your sexual energy and how you manage yourself in general in other aspects of your life.
As a man it is part of your natural sexual instinct to be the one that initiates and takes command of the lovemaking. You are the “physical” leader in bed.
A woman is the “emotional” leader. She brings the emotions, the love, the depth, the warmth and the intimacy in the lovemaking and in the couple relationship.
Tantra describes the energetic interchange between men and women during love making.
As men we channel the sexual energy with our lingham (penis) and we direct energy into the woman when we penetrate her.
The woman receives the sexual energy from the man in her yoni (vagina) and it gets mixed with her own feminine sexual energy. After this she rises this energy up to her chest and heart area and gives it back to the man through her breasts in a “sublimated” and more refined form.
But if you as the man cannot lead the energy, the woman cannot open up. The lovemaking will not be nurturing, deep and full of love unless the woman feels safe and confident that the man can do his half of the job.
When you as a man ejaculate too quickly, it shows that you are not able to control the sexual energy that is created between you. Thereby she will conclude that you are not able to direct and control other things in your relationship.
When you as a man ejaculate too quickly, it shows that you are not able to control the sexual energy that is created between you. Thereby she will conclude that you are not able to direct and control other areas in your relationship.This could be things such as taking the right decisions, to put action behind your words or other things that require that you as a man has a certain control over your energies.
These reactions in the women are completely unconscious and she cannot help feeling this. Even if she cuddles up next to you and says that it’s okay, at a deeper level she has lost her confidence in you when you ejaculate too quickly. It shows you cannot handle her and her energy.
These things are not something that women purposefully to make the man sad or angry – its simply a natural part of the game between the masculine and the feminine.
Women are CONTINUOUSLY evaluating men whether they want to or not. They are feeling if the man is CENTERED. If he is contact with his emotions, with his inner masculine core – if he is following his nature.
If the man is doing this he rises in value in her eyes, and when he is not doing this her attraction to him falls. Whether your inner compass is right on target or completely off, is something any woman can feel INSTINCTUALLY and as it is an INSTINCT she is unable to switch it off. .
It is part of her instinct to be able to feel whether she has found herself a potential “protector” – or a man who is potentially a danger for both of them!
And just like you cannot avoid looking at beautiful women with shine and sex appeal, she cannot be attracted to a man who does not control his energy.
And she skillfully navigates around men who don’t have this control.
… And just like you cannot avoid looking at beautiful women with shine and sex appeal, she cannot be attracted to a man who does not control his energy …
As a man your sexual energy can be the source of your masculine power and strength – or it can be the very opposite – it can be something that pulls you down, sucks out your energy and drains you of your self confidence. The difference is whether you have learned to control it or not. The art of controlling your sexual energy is fortunately something that can be learned by any man, but it does require that you learn certain fundamental skills – but its WORTH IT. When you control your sexual energy it spreads to other areas in your life. You will experience and increased inner strength and more self confidence. Also on the emotional level, men who learn to control their sexual energy find themselves more optimistic and in possession of more inner strength and willpower.
If you would like to know more about how you can attain super sexual stamina and learn to control your sexual energy, then click here and check out the TantraCURE 12 Week Super Sexual Stamina Program.